Student Expectations and Attire

Student Expectations Student Expectations










Student Expectations

While DKCBA fosters a safe and nurturing environment, its leadership team firmly believes that discipline is instrumental to developing a student to his or her highest potential.  Each student is expected to arrive on time to class, dressed in appropriate attire.  Food, drink, candy and gum are not permitted during class.  Please remember to take your bathroom break before or after classes so that you are able to gain the maximum benefit of instruction.


 (Includes Saturday Classes)
Training Girls/Ladies Boys/Men Adults
Pre-Academy 1
Pink leotard & ballet shoes, pink tights or lightweight white bobby socks (available at Target)    
Pre-Academy 2    
Pre-Academy 3

Black Leotard, Pink Tights and Pink Ballet Slippers


White Shirt, black shorts, white socks & shoes  
Academy levels & Company

DKCBA Uniform logo-wear leotard, (color dependent on level) pink tights & ballet shoes with ribbons sewn on. White hip placement belts


White shirt, black tights, white socks & shoes



Character Shoes & Character Skirt


Character Shoes & Character Skirt


Adult Classes    

Any color leotard and tights and ballet shoes.


Hair Must be pulled back off the face and secured in a bun.  For Academy students, no large bows/flowers in hair.

– Groomed off the face


Must be pulled back off the face and secured in a bun.


*Wednesday classes:  Required attire applies, but dancers may wear any color leotard of their choosing.